I am eternally grateful for the help of two cousins that I discovered searching through genealogy sites on the Internet. K.V. and her husband in California were a wealth of information. Closer to home J.T. here in Ga. was an equal wealth of knowledge and help. To other searchers I say "mind your manners" but don't be scared to "ask" questions.
I also wish to thank Mr. Joe Spann-Library Manager of the Polk County Historical Library in Bartow, Fla. for his invaluable help and unselfish use of his time. He was amazing.
Some sites are commercial in nature and promote the sales of books. All have some valuable info. I'll let you decide which are useful to you.
This webpage is dedicated to my Confederate Ancestors listed above. I maintain this website as a service to my fellow SCV members in the Metter-Candler County camp known as the "Dixie Guards". Tony Thompson- Adjutant