Reflections and Pictures
Funeral for the Third Crew of
the CSS H.L. Hunley
Observations by Phillip E. Weaver  Sons of Confederate Veterans
John C. Carter Camp #207
Waynesboro, Georgia
(From an email message dated 26 Apl 2004)

What a blessed weekend we experienced in Charleston while attending the Burial of the CSS H.L Hunley's Eight Final Crew Members.  It's really hard to totally express it all but I'll try and give you a personal summary of my reflections of this Historical Event plus a few pictures.

We arrived in Charleston around lunch time on Friday to find the city engulfed with the Spirit of the Old South.  Everywhere you looked folks were proudly wearing Confederate Uniforms, Period Clothing, Shirts and Hats signifying their Love of Our Southern Heritage.  No Locals appeared to be ""Offended" but rather treated us with genuine kindness and admiration.  We at times could hardly eat while in the restaurants for all the employees and patrons asking us questions about The Hunley.  Don't believe everything you hear or read in the news about Southern History and Heritage being on its way out cause it ain't true.

We had to wait until Friday afternoon to check into our hotel so we took in the Charleston Museum which was across the street from where we were staying.  This is one of the oldest museums in the country and is well worth the $9.00 admission charge.  In our "War For Southern Independence" section we saw a map of the Battery Wagner which showed the positions of both sides during the Union assault as shown in the movie "Glory".  No doubt Grandpa Bargeron with sons William and George Washington were positioned along with the other members of the 32nd Georgia in the heart of the assault as the 54th Massachusetts met their waterloo.  (Insert Rebel Yell Here)

Later on Friday evening we took the Hunley Lantern Tour at Patriot's Point.  Stan Clardy performed for us as we awaited our tour time and as always did a great job. (Thanks Stan)  The story of the Hunley came to life through reenactors and various props and settings positioned along a path through a section of the woods there.  We really enjoyed this along with Mr. Maurice Bessinger who was in our Tour Group.  Maurice Bessinger is the gentleman who lost millions in Bar-B-Que and Sauce sales by not yielding to the "Racist Southern Heritage Hate Mongers" who make $MILLIONS$ by Terrorizing businesses in America.  A lot of Americans still believe we have a policy not to negotiate with Terrorist...only Terrorist who are not U.S. Clergymen!

When we finally made it back to the hotel that night I attempted to get some sleep but kept thinking about the next morning's 4.5 mile walk to Magnolia Cemetery, the South Carolina Heat, Wearing the Wool Uniform and having Boots which were not broken in yet.  In a voice in a yankee dialect (had to be the Devil) I was given all kinds of excuses as to why I should just miss walking in the Funeral Procession and go directly to the Cemetery.  Suddenly my thoughts went back to 1864.  Grandpa Bargeron while stationed in Charleston probably a many of night would lie on the hard ground and think about his wife and eight children back home near present day Girard, Georgia.  I'm sure he couldn't help each night to think of son Stephen who had died at such a young age (18) in Savannah shortly after they had joined the 32nd Georgia, Son Samuel who was somewhere in Virginia serving in the 48th Georgia under General Robert E. Lee who only had a few months to live before being killed at the Battle of the Crater and his two sons William and George Washington lying on the ground next to him.  What would tomorrow bring for his sons?  Another loss to write home about??  Only God knew what tomorrow would bring to he and the Bargeron Family.

On Saturday Morning I was up at 5:00 A.M. refreshed and ready to take my Historical Journey with Thousands of my Fellow Compatriots.  Proudly I walked along the side of my Son Luke wearing the "Gray" as we and all the others Honored those who had died serving the Cause and the Confederate States of America.  What a Joy it was to retrace the steps of our Bargeron Ancestors with my Son by my side!  Unlike Grandpa Bargeron and his Sons, we knew what lie ahead for us at the end of our march when most often they didn't.

Hats Off to all the Brave Hunley Crews and to all those who made this become one of the Greatest Days in Southern History.  Thank God for our Ancestors who were not afraid to risk it all to Protect Home, Family and Our Beloved Southland. 

May God Bless the South and May We as Southerners Remain Steadfast in Protecting and Preserving our Southern Heritage. 

        Southernly Yours,
  Philip Edwin Weaver
Click on images below to see larger image
Phillip's images demonstrate the enormous crowds
at White Point, along the march and the cemetery.