The Dispatch

The Official Publication of the Dixie Guards Camp # 1942

Sons of Confederate Veterans



Volume 1, 12th Edition

March 2002





The Dixie Guards # 1942

Sons of Confederate Veterans

P.O.Box 761

Metter, Georgia 30439








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Commander’s Comments


              March is here and this marks the 12th edition of our newsletter.  I hope that it has been as great a year for all of you as it has for me.  Never in my biggest imagination would I have dreamed that as we prepared to celebrate our 1st year as a camp, we'd have 60 members.  I remember that 1st night at the Library and I was just hoping that there would be more show up than daddy, Uncle Herbert and me.  To say that I'm proud to be associated with gentlemen like you is not expressing how much pride I have for our camp.  I don't want to brag on us to loudly, but I do find myself telling all the other SCV members that I know that I'm fortunate enough to be a member of a camp that has members 2nd to no one.  You folks really make this fun for me.  For that, I can never thank you enough nor applaud your efforts enough. 

                By now, everyone has probably seen or has heard about our success in getting the Adopt-A-Highway program established.  Again, thanks for your patience and now it will be our turn to fulfill our pledge to keep our section of highway clean.  I suggest that we set aside one Saturday per quarter and take care of our road.  By doing this, not only will we show good citizenship but we will also have a great opportunity to display our flags and promote our cause.  Another great opportunity has come our way in the form of 2 Georgia Congressional Resolutions.  First, H.R. 976 proposed by Rep. Bobby Franklin of Marietta seeks to give us the right to vote on returning the Real Georgia Flag. Next, Georgia Senator Jack Hill of Reidsville came through with his promise to submit a Voter Initiative Resolution.  His proposal is more complex and is a True Voter Initiative.  Its number is S.R. 642.  Jack was the speaker at an Ogeechee Rifles meeting last summer and admitted that he didn't realize his district was so angry regarding his vote to change the flag.  He made the public pledge and took my hand and promised to submit this resolution this session.  I was beginning to wander if he'd hold to his promise, then along comes S.R. 642.  I'll hold judgement on his sincerity for awhile, but I'll hope that he makes every effort.  His resolution will be good for Georgia.  Not only would it give us a chance to correct the wrong done to our voice and our flag, but also future wrongs can be avoided by the mere fact of a Voter Initiative being in place.  This is good for us all!  I don't want to sound like a broken record, but we must contact and do all that we can to persuade our legislators to support these measures.  Without large numbers of contacts regarding these bills, our leaders may just not take a serious stance and avoid any controversy relating to them.  HR976 probably faces the toughest road because the very Congressman that spearheaded Barnes' efforts to change the flag is the chairman of the House Rules Committee.  We all know that he'll try to kill it before anything can go forward.

                This month we are fortunate to have a speaker who has authored a book about our Confederate Forefathers of the Army of Tennessee.  Many of you have ancestors that fought in the Army of Tennessee, so I challenge you to make a special effort to be at March's meeting and bring a friend with you.  Remember that the public is always invited and your lady folks are always welcome.  The author's name is James Van Eldik and his book is called From the Flame of Battle to the Fiery Cross.  He'll be sharing with us information about his book and related topics.  His book covers events from the Army of Tennessee and will also cover Chickamauga and the Battle for Atlanta.  Make every effort to come and bring a friend.

                Don't forget the Membership drive.  In case you don't know, here are the details.  In May, we will have a drawing for a beautifully framed portrait of General Robert E. Lee.  Each time you recruit a new member, your name and the new member's name will be placed in the drawing.  Only those names of recruiting members and those recruited will be in the drawing.  To have a chance, you must sign up a new member or be the new member that was signed up.  The painting will be displayed at every meeting until the give-away for all to see.  Recruiting isn't hard and many people are just waiting for us to ask. 

                On March 30th, we'll be participating in the annual Bloomin' Festival.  We'll be sponsoring a booth and will be selling our "stuff".  We'll have flags, tags, and all kinds of other stuff, so tell your neighbors if they'd like to get a Real Georgia Flag or Battle Flag to come see us.  We'll also be getting the word out about our camp, like membership information, etc.  If you can help, whether it is all day or part, we'd love to have you.    Again, thank you all for all the success we've had in our 1st year and I know with yours and God's help, we'll only get bigger and better.  Until our meeting… 

                                                                        May God Bless and Guide you all, 


 Treasury Report




New Members


Marcus H.Nobles III honoring Pvt. Jesse Jasper Strickland, Co.B, 20th Ga. Cavalry

Ernest A. Tyson honoring Pvt. Cammel Tyson, Co. A, 2nd Ga Cavalry (Effingham Hussars)

Douglas A. Tyson honoring Pvt. Cammel Tyson, Co. A, 2nd Ga Cavalry (Effingham Hussars)

Otis Eugene Long honoring Corp. John Hand (Skip) Long, Co.G, 5th Ga Cavalry

Jeffrey Thomas Clifton honoring Pvt. Thomas H. Womack, Co. D, 26th Ga Regt, ANV


Adjutant’s Report


 The February monthly meeting of the Dixie Guards was called to order at approximately 7:30 PM.  Brother Grady Franklin gave the invocation.  Color Sgt Ben Franklin led the Pledges and Salute to our Flags.  Historian Richard Crotwell read the Charge to the SCV

Old Business:

1. The Adopt-A-Highway program was finalized and we decided to meet Sunday, February 10th at 2 PM for a Public Relations photo for the paper. 2 The final tallies for renewals were disclosed. We had 1 member who hadn't renewed and a motion was made, seconded and passed to take donations from camp members to pay the renewal and tax penalty. 3. Banquet Tapes are still on sale for $5.  See Tony for your copy.  Remember, that we ask that NO copies be made other than those purchased through the camp.  4.  If you still haven't signed the Charter, please contact Commander Crooms as soon as possible.  We plan to have copies for sale to members and donate a copy to the Western Steer in April for Confederate History Month.


New Business:

1.  The Post Office Box has to be renewed at the rate of $19.  Adjutant Thompson to take care of it.   2.  SCV HQ has requested each camp to donate to the Alberta Martin Fund.  Mrs. Martin is the only surviving Confederate Widow still alive.  3. There will be a Confederate Ball in Savannah on Saturday, April 27th.  It will be co-sponsored by the UDC, SCV and MOSB (Savannah chapters).  Contact Gayle Dawson at 912-898-8133 for more information.  4.  The camp decided to participate in the Bloomin' Festival and will host a booth.  We plan to sell flags and other camp items.  We also plan to have recruitment information and maybe a voter registration.   5. A big Thank you to compatriot Jason West.  Jason recently was the speaker for the Kiwanis Club and shared his expertise on the War Between the States. 


Program:  Adjutant Tony Thompson shared with us a program on Genealogy and Family History.  Tony's daughter Tara also delighted us as they shared their rendition of the Old Irish folk tune "Maggie".  At the end of the evening, Tara again delighted us as she led us in the singing of "Dixie".  We concluded our meeting by viewing an interview Tony gave to WTOC-TV regarding the flag change.  *A special thank you to Camp Chaplain Grady Franklin for making arrangements for the interview.


Upcoming Events


March 7, 2002 - Regular Meeting with Author James Van Eldik on his book From the Flame of

                           Battle to the Fiery Cross                          

March 30, 2002 - Another Bloomin' Festival -   Metter     (booth and recruiting)

April 4, 2002 - Regular Meeting. Program: Compatriot Jason West

April 13, 2002Nationwide Confederate Memorial Service.  Stone Mountain, GA

April 26, 2002 - Confederate Memorial Day

May 2, 2002 - Regular Meeting

September 5, 2002 - Regular Meeting with Authors Michael and Marilyn Gilhuly on

                                  their Book Call To Glory, The Life and Times of a Texas Ranger




Flags of the Confederacy Series


General Polk’s Corp Battle Flag



              During the early days of the War, it became obvious that the flag of the Federal troops and the 1st National Flag of the Confederacy had to many similarities to be used on the battlefield.  Leonidas Polk was a Confederate General leading troops of Department # 2 in the Western Theater of Operations.  Polk and his troops would eventually become part of the army named the Army of Tennessee.  It was while at the head of the 1st Grand Division that Polk designed his battle flag.  Later, the Grand Division would become known as Polk’s Corps. 

            Since Polk was a Bishop of the Episcopal Church, he had special connection with the emblems of England.  (The Episcopal Church was called the Church of England)  The flag of England was the Cross-of St. George.  When the British Empire was formed, the Cross-of St. George was made a portion of the British Union Jack. 

            In Polk’s flag, the Cross-of St. George had 13 stars representing each of the Confederate States, plus Kentucky and Missouri.  The flag was Red, White and Blue, just like all other flags that had been commissioned in America since Independence was declared from George III of England in 1776.

            Early in the era of the Army of Tennessee, Polk and his troops served under several commanders.  One of these was P.G.T. Beauregard.  Beauregard had come from Virginia and planned to bring the St. Andrew’s Cross Battle Flag with him.  He placed orders for the battleflag  (Army of Northern Virginia), but not many were received.  Soon Braxton Bragg replaced Beauregard and Polk continued to use the flag he was credited with creating.  Variations of the Polk flag flew until the end of the war.





Membership Drive Contest


Don't Forget!!


When you sign up and new member


You and The New Member


Will be entered in a drawing

For a beautifully framed print


General Robert E. Lee

Make General Lee Proud!

Win his Portrait along the way!


Drawing will be held at May's monthly meeting






 The month of March in the War Between the States

Did you know…


March 7-8, 1862: The Battle of Pea Ridge

March 9, 1862: The Battle of the CSS Virginia & USS Monitor

March 16, 1861: The Territory of Arizona secedes from the Union


March’s Confederate Birthdays


March 16, 1828: General Patrick Cleburne born in Ireland

March 22, 1817: General Braxton Bragg born

March 28, 1818: General Wade Hampton born

To contact your

Georgia Elected Officials


Representative Craig W. Lanier           Representative Bob Lane

404-656-0202                                     404-656-6831

912-685-4491                                     912-764-6813

507 Legislative Office Bldg.                220 State Capitol

Atlanta, GA 30334                              Atlanta, GA  30334                                     


Representative Butch Parrish               Senator Hugh M. Gillis

404-   656-5096                                  404-656-5080

478-   237-7032                                  478-529-3212       

218 State Capitol                                420-A State Capitol

Atlanta, GA  30334                             Atlanta, GA 30334



Senator Jack Hill                                 Senator Don Cheeks

404-656-5038                                     404-656-0045

912-557-4802                                     706-736-1397

421-D State Capitol                            121-D State Capitol

Atlanta, GA 30334                              Atlanta, GA 30334


Representative Greg Morris                Senator Tommie Williams

404-656-0254                                     404-656-0089

912-537-2880                                     912-526-7444

601 Legislative Office Bldg                 304-B Legislative Office Bldg

Atlanta, GA 30334                              Atlanta, GA 30334




Representative Terry Barnard              **These are State Officials from our

404-656-0177                                     area.  Contact them!  The more the

912-654-1048                                     better!  All legislators and their

501 Legislative Office Bldg                 contact information can be found

Atlanta, GA 30334                              on the State of Georgia Website.